What We Do
80% of the cost and effort associated with determining a trade attestation involves gathering information about the good itself.
Welcome to OriginBX!
We are responsible for the governance and creation of data standards encapsulating product attributes and the determination and auditability of tax and trade attestations. In addition to preferential and non-preferential country of origin for qualifying a good for tariff savings, our work covers forced labor, sustainability, HTS classification, export controls, customs value, and other admissibility attestations. Tax residency/origin certifications for withholding tax relief at source are also being addressed.
Legacy tax and trade management systems, supply chain track and trace blockchain platforms, eCommerce platforms, and tax and customs government agencies will benefit from the OriginBX data standards. Our tax and trade specific message sets will significantly reduce the redundancy and volume of emails with attachments when exchanging sensitive data about a good, entity, or individual for purposes of determining and communicating critical time sensitive tax and trade attestations.

About OriginBX
An OASIS Open project
OriginBX is governed by an international alliance of organizations and supported by the OASIS Open nonprofit standards consortium. OASIS is the home of standards that include Baseline, SAML, STIX, UBL, and ebXML.
Vendor, industry and government agnostic
The OriginBX message sets, data standards, training materials, use cases and APIs are governed by the OriginBX OASIS Open Project. By reducing complexity and the cost of complying with preferential and non-preferential trade programs, the OriginBX Open Project seeks to increase the utilization of free trade agreements to achieve each trading partner’s economic and competitive goals.
OriginBX stakeholders
- Global trade management software vendors and customs brokerages
- Customs and tax agencies
- SMEs and eCommerce merchants
- Manufacturers, exporters, forwarders, and importers
- Chambers of commerce, licensed customs brokers, trade attorneys, and other trade compliance experts
OriginBX open source data standards will reduce the time and effort of determining and auditing tax and trade attestations.
Get involved!
Please contact us. We welcome new members to our governing board, advisory board, technical steering committee, and sector-led data standards committees. If you are involved in the global trade and tax compliance community and interested in shaping the future direction of OriginBX, we’d love to hear from you.