OriginBX is blockchain, country, industry and vendor agnostic.
Learn more about our governing board, technical steering committee, advisory board, and sector-led data standards committees.
Governance roles
We’ve gone to great lengths to develop a governance structure that supports globally universal tax & trade attestation and product attribute message sets. Our committee chairs, trade policy advocates, forwarders, brokers, and industry representatives have an equal voice when it comes to the prioritization of specification and attestation standards.
Project Governing Board (PGB)
The PGB provides top-level guidance and strategic direction for the OriginBX Open project. You can find the current list of PGB members on GitHub. The Board includes those representatives from OriginBX sponsors that have committed to the Entity Contributor Licensing Agreement. Learn how to join the Project Governing Board by emailing us.
Technical Steering Committee (TSC)
The TSC directs the day-to-day technical activities of OriginBX. TSC members include representatives from the developer community who are actively contributing to the project.